El Presidente loses his cool…..

I don’t normally post here – it all goes into El Presidente’s Musings where it can be lost for all excluding the hardiest site readers.

But on this occasion I’ll make an exception and point you to the latest musing where I lose my cool a little.

Make of it what you will


2 responses

  1. Henk Smelter

    Hi Chris – not sure if you remember me or not but I was a member 4-5 yrs back. I read your article (musings) and loved the way you tackled the judging issue and the fact that club tend to be “a bit inward or short sighted let alone some club judges etc” (my interuptation of your words). This was the main reason I actually departed the club – anyone who dare challenged judging and the method/style of judging was quickly put down and I became disillusioned – keep fighting the fight and get the masses to also realise that some club events need a good shake.

    Cheers Henk Smelter

    08/05/2017 at 7:02 pm

    • ChrisS

      Thanks Henk. I appreciate the feedback
      Fighting for change is a long term thing – lots of resistance to overcome – I hope I have the energy to continue.


      10/05/2017 at 10:25 pm