Programme 2021

January 14   “On the Beach”

Bring your beach photos to share with other members.  Any beach, any time!

January 30  GUEST SPEAKER:             Gee Greenslade

Gee will discuss the subject of Surrealism in photography.


A photograph of natural scenery with land and/or sea and sky-based elements displayed in a pictorial fashion. Evidence of man, people or animals may be included but must be incidental to (and not dominate) the image.

For inspiration check out the B&W works of Ansel Adams, and for colour the works of Stavros Pippos.

February 25   WORKSHOP:     Back to Basics

One of our more popular workshop subjects. Bring your camera (and manual) and learn something you may not have known before!


This photographic subject follows on from our Guest Speaker’s presentation 28th January. The definition here is: “Seeming like a dream or fantasy

March 25   WORKSHOP:      Photographers’ planning apps.

This workshop helps you gather the information needed to plan the “when and where” of a photography shoot. Try some mobile and online apps.

An image that shows the detrimental impact of rubbish / trash on our environment or the natural world. This will not be an easy subject to capture artistically, so there is the challenge.

April  22   WORKSHOP:      Portraiture

Once again the Studio will become a photographic studio! Capturing the essential character of the person is of prime importance to a successful image. Some studio lighting will be provided. Bring your camera! A lens of approximately 80-90mm (35mm camera) is ideal.


Capture an image just after sunset or just before sunrise while the scene is bathed with blue light.

There is a close proximity between the “golden hour” and the “blue hour”, where the blue hour precedes the golden hour in the morning and the reverse in the evening, dependent on weather conditions.


Members will review the works of professional photographers and discuss “What makes them work?”


The workshop held 22nd April will have given you ideas for tonight’s subject; essentially portraits with only the head and shoulders of your subject.

June 17 GUEST SPEAKER:       David Rowlands

David is active in salon exhibitions and holds photographic honours AFIAP, FAPS and PPSA. He’s also on the Exhibition Services Subcommittee of APS. Tonight he will share his expertise in capturing wildlife images and discuss the tips and techniques involved.

July  01   WORKSHOP:      ZOOM BURST

Learn the techniques used to create zoom burst images.

July 06 (Tuesday) Interclub with Edwardstown

Our annual competition with EPC, comprising sections for Colour Prints, Mono Prints and Projected Images. The Committee will collate the best work of our members, collated over previous months.   EPC is host this year.


Tell a story in your photograph by capturing only half of it.

NOTE: We will be using “Community Judging” (Members) for this evening’s image judging.

July  29   WORKSHOP:     I DID IT MY WAY

An opportunity to experiment with each other’s images and share ideas on what works best.

August 12   COMPETITION:      “ZOOM BURST”

Present an image that shows the technique of “zoom bursting” the subject.

This follows from the workshop 1st July.


Some members will make presentations of their travels, whether within Australia or overseas.

September  09   Annual General Meeting

Elect your committee!

September 12 (Sunday) Club Outing: Bird Photography

 September  23   COMPETITION:     “LOVE STORY”

Use your image to illustrate love.

October  07   PEER REVIEW:      COPYCAT

Copycat (definition).   One who imitates or adopts the behaviour or practices of another.

Members are encouraged to replicate their idols’ photos in order to learn the techniques and to hone their skills.

Consider the works of a famous photographer you’d like to emulate, then try to re-create one of their images. It’s all about learning, and trying new things.


A bird or birds living wild and free, not dependent on man, in their chosen habitat. Minimal natural-looking adjustments allowed.

November  04   GUEST SPEAKER:      Craig Greer

Our Guest Speaker this evening will discuss the techniques used in capturing successful bird images. Craig has held numerous photographic workshops on photographing wildlife, in particular birds.

November 06     Annual Exhibition Judging (not a club night)

November 18   Annual Exhibition and Awards 

A display of all entries and the presentation of annual awards.

December  02   END-OF-YEAR EVENT.

The format of the break-up evening will be advised.